Astral Ascent

Created by Hibernian Workshop

Astral Ascent, a 2D platformer rogue-lite on PC and consoles with four worlds to escape, if you can beat the Zodiacs, 12 mighty bosses!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Physical Versions - physical rewards locked soon!
17 days ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 08:54:00 AM

Hello everyone!

We hope you are excited for the Yamat DLC coming on July 29th!

Limited Run Games is almost done with their preorders which is an excellent news as it means that the shipping is getting much closer, announced between Nov 12 to Dec 12 2024! 

As they preorders are about to end, we need to send them a final list of backers, rewards and shipping addresses, we will lock that at the end of the week, on Sunday 14th, so you have 4 days left to pay for shipping fees if you didn't already and to update your shipping address if needed!

You can still use this address if you need to update that - 

Past this point, the list will be considered as final and you might not be able to change your address anymore (or maybe by contacting LRG but we do not know if that would be possible)

Let us know if you have questions about this and have a great day!

- The Hibernian Workshop Team

Physical Versions Update
2 months ago – Wed, May 22, 2024 at 10:56:46 PM

Hello Everyone!

This news is aimed for Physical Backers from Kickstarter and Backerkit regarding the Limited Run Games (LRG) versions and Physical items.

First thing is that if you didn't pay your Shipping Fees or Backerkit Cart (we have 152 backers in total in this situation), we won't be able to secure physical items for you, for example exclusive backer cover and other physical elements detailed below will have a limited amount of extra stock. We will send final count of exclusive items to LRG at the end of the day so the 152 backers still have a chance to secure their exclusive items.

We will wait before final shipment to lock final backers list and lock adresses which you can still update here for now - 


Second thing to note is that LRG will start producing the Physical rewards very soon which includes -

  • Exclusive Physical cover for Backers
  • Pin's are now exclusive to Kickstarter/Backerkit
  • Zodiac cards are now exclusive to Kickstarter/Backerkit
  • Genga prints are now exclusive to Kickstarter/Backerkit

Ayla figures have already been produced, all physical elements will be shipped at once and for that LRG need all the physical copies to be created, they will soon open their pre-orders for one month this summer and after that they will be able to send to manufacturers and get the copies and start shipping. 

Sadly it means that the physical rewards shipping should happen in Q4 2024! We are really sorry about these delays but things are moving along so you do not have to worry about that.


Thanks for your understanding and patience,

Have a great day!

- The Hibernian Workshop Team

1.5 Update - Reminiscing Mirror, Destiny Level 100 and more!
2 months ago – Mon, May 13, 2024 at 10:11:43 AM

Hello everyone!

Version 1.5 is out now on Steam! This time again we did not do a simultaneous release on console because we wanted to keep iterating based on our Beta Public feedback, this update adds a variety of small changes and bug fixes. We hope you will enjoy it!

Patch Note

Read the full Patch Notes here

Reminiscing Mirror

We have added a new feature in the Garden, next to Papa Yalee, the Reminiscing Mirror! 

You can interact with it to see all the Pixel-Art Cinematics, there is 38 cinematics in the 1.5 Update and it will go up to 40 in the 1.6 Yamat DLC.

This should allow you to see what you still have to unlock, in particular for endings and you can see again these cinematics when you want! 

A new cinematic has been added in 1.5 linked to another important change.

Destiny Level 100 and Resilience Mode

Destiny Level maximum used to be 54, with a secret hidden at this level.

We were surprised and amazed by the quantity of players who cleared the Destiny Level 54 which is incredibly hard! We wanted to add more content for these players, we initially wanted to add a Destiny Level 100 with only Stats increase (more life and damage on enemies) in the 1.4 Update but we listened to feedback and decided to postpone it to 1.5 and make it a bigger than initially planned based on the initial reception of it. 

We re-balanced the elements that seemed too punishing in Destiny Level 54 to make it less frustrating, for example adding a cooldown when getting hit and losing max hp/mana/quartz. The ghosts spawning have a delay before attacking and the armor on enemies is less frequent. 

This makes Destiny Level 54 easier so you have more chance to get to see what's next!

For 1.5 version we decided to create a new column of 5 elements in the Path of Destiny. 

This new column can only be activated if you did beat Destiny Level 54 first.

In a similar way of the 6 first Destiny Levels, the 5 last one need to be beaten one by one to get to progress.

Destiny Level 60

The first element is Ophiuchus Giant Swords falling on players during most rooms.

Destiny Level 70

The second element is more Elites which also gives more Stars to also give a bit more power.

Destiny Level 80

The third element is fighting 2 Star Guardians at once, Star Guardians are a place that experienced players defeat easily so it makes the fight more complicated.

You have 2 extra Gambits loots when defeating Star Guardians at this Destiny Level.

Destiny Level 90

The fourth element is even harder as it requires you to fight 2 Zodiacs at once with their improved fighting skills from Destiny Level 6. 

You have 2 extra Auras loots when defeating Zodiacs at this Destiny Level.

Destiny Level 100

Finally the last element is making the Ophiuchus fight harder for a final climax. Ophiuchus summons 2 Shadow Clones in Phase 1 instead of 1 ( 1 by 1 ) and he summons 4 Shadow Clones in Phase 2 instead of 2 (2 by 2). Ophiuchus also summons real Zodiacs you have to kill instead of Zodiacs only doing 1 attack. Finally Ophiuchus also gets Elite Aspects that only happen during Shadow Clones and Zodiacs attacks to avoid impossible to dodge attacks during Ophiuchus patterns.

Glory is the main reward of finishing Destiny Level 100 as we already gave a big extra reward at Destiny Level 54 but we still added an extra small ending to express our gratitude to players going this far in the game.

Each Destiny Level also adds damage and life to enemies and Zodiacs but the life added is not too high to avoid enemies becoming too tanky.

Resilience Mode

We are also adding an option for players wanting to experiment the game but having a hard time doing it. The Resilience Mode is similar to Hades God Mode, if you activate it, the more you die the more resilient you become so it adapts to you so you can keep going in the game if you are stuck!

Banning Spells

You can now ban spells, 3 per hero and 5 common spells so if you really do not like playing with some spells you can make sure you do not find them again in your runs!

Other smaller changes

Burn Stacks can now go up to more than 10 stacks, if you had more than 10 stacks on an enemy you would lost the extra stacks while now they are kept. Combustions are also triggered faster than before when reaching 10 stacks.

A Yalee in Echoes Island appears once you beat Destiny Level 6 once (like Yalee in Telluric Ruins) and allows you to reset one time the Echoes choice.

Icons of Echoes you get from Void Catalyst and Telescope appear above player in the first room so you don't miss them.

New icons showing spells and gambits elemental affinities. This change is part of more changes coming to the game to better understand the loots affinities and effects. You do not need to open the spells anymore to see their affinity, we know that for gambits the affinities are more obvious but we also wanted to keep a consistency among loots.

Equipping an Aura on the same Aura will increase its quality if Aura can be improved. 2 Common Auras become a Rare Aura and 2 Rares Auras become a Mythic Aura. 

Yamat is coming!

The next update will be 5th character, Yamat DLC and we will communicate more about it when possible, target is Summer 2024 but until then you can see her animated portrait!

Have an excellent day everyone!

- The Hibernian Workshop Team

Physical Editions Update
3 months ago – Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 12:56:14 AM

Hello everyone, 

We are contacting you today to give news related to the Physical editions and Physical rewards from the Kickstarter campaign! 

1 week left to answer the survey and update credit cards

Limited Run Games handling the Physical editions need a list of how many items to create for each rewards (Physical editions, pin's, Zodiac Cards, etc.) and we need to give them that by the end of the month in order to guarantee the right number of physical items. 

We still have 541 not answered surveys, if you did do not have a physical reward you do not need to, but if you backed a physical item we need your answer to get your shipping address and to calculate the shipping fees, you can find the survey here :

You can still use this survey to update your shipping address if it changes until we lock the adresses before the final shipping.

We also have 46 failed credit cards, we will try to charge again early next week but if you backed physical editions, Limited Run Games cannot guarantee they will have enough stock for Kickstarter exclusive elements and for Kickstarter exclusive Physical editions.

Shipping Dates Update

Limited Run Games now have a window for the pre-order of the game on their side, it should be opening this Summer, once they get their final list of physical editions they will have everything printed and shipped right after.

We are sorry about the physical editions taking longer than expected but we have full trust in our partners to deliver great versions!

Wishing you a great week and let us know if you have questions related to that,

-The Hibernian Workshop Team

1.4 Update - The Arsenal Update!
4 months ago – Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 03:03:57 PM

Hello everyone!

We are very happy to announce that the 1.4 version is out now on Steam! This time we could not do a simultaneous release on console as we had to release the update as soon as possible in order to be able to participate to a Steam festival in May but we will do our best to release it as soon as we can later this month!

You can check below our first trailer since 1.0 release to showcase the new changes! 

Patch Note 

Find the full Patch Notes here

8 New Weapons

Each hero received 2 new weapons for a total of 12 weapons to play with!

Our goal was to provide more playstyles with the heroes so you should find a weapon you enjoy for your favorite hero!

You unlock the Arsenal by meeting at least once with the Master. And you unlock new weapon by defeating the Master at Destiny Level 2 and 4 with each hero. While doing so you can unlock passives for your base weapons!

36 Weapon Passives

Each weapon, including the base weapon, has 3 passives attached, each passive has to be unlocked through a small quest during your runs. Some quests are easy and some are hard but you can complete them at any Destiny Level.

Once unlocked you can directly use the passive during your run at the next Arsenal because you have one Arsenal in each intro room and before the Master if you want to change your playstyle during your run.

Showing below one passive per weapon so 1/3 of the passives -

As you can see, the passives are very different from each others giving access to even more playstyles variations and they are meant to be more useful in certain situations than others, up to you to pick what you prefer!

What is next?

The Arsenal was a massive update we really wanted to do to give more variety to the gameplay, we wish to keep adding more polish to the game when possible as we had to focus on the new content for this update. We also want to start working on Yamat, the 5th playable character update as soon as possible.

We will hope you will have fun with this update and thanks for supporting us!

The Physical editions are nearly ready, it took more time than expected but we will soon have delivered everything to Limited Run Games!

Have an excellent week,

- The Hibernian Workshop Team